Smart CAPture Service

Smart CAPture Service


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Smart CAPture Service

There is tremendous energy management value in interval data. It helps identify problems and savings opportunities that aren’t visible, apparent, or timely with monthly utility bills:

  • Equipment cycling on and off
  • Daily startup schedule begins too early
  • Daily setback schedule begins too late
  • Costly concurrent peak demand issues
  • Inefficient custodial crew scheduling
  • Weekend & holiday setback savings opportunities
  • Utility theft Wasteful HVAC control procedures

We want to make sure EnergyCAP users benefit from interval data, and our Smart CAPture service provides a convenient way to integrate interval data into your energy management routine by uploading your meter data into EnergyCAP for you. We can automate the upload of already-available data files via Smart Meter Texas, Green Button, or your utility vendors. Smart CAPture can also interface with your existing equipment via file transfer, APIs, and gateways. We can install new metering equipment or connect with your existing smart meters. Once in EnergyCAP, your interval data is available for analysis and reporting and can be rolled up for monthly rebill calculations.

Request a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss EnergyCAP’s Smart CAPture interval data acquisition & import service.